Cohort 2020

Originally from the UK, Estonia, Hong Kong, Denmark and China, all are now in London about to start their PhDs after a rotation year. Read on to learn more about what they will be researching, their background and their thoughts on the programme.


Isabella Noelle Chiong

PhD Project Title: Role of neuro-immune-epithelial interactions in the initiation of Parkinson’s Disease within the gut.

PhD Supervisors: Dr Joana Neves & Dr Franziska Denk

Educational and Career Background: I graduated from University College London with a BSc in Biomedical Sciences in 2018. I then returned to Hong Kong to work as a junior research assistant in the Chinese University of Hong Kong for 9 months, before commencing my Masters of Research in Brain Sciences at UCL in 2019 where I developed my interest for neuroimmunology.

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Andy Graham

PhD Project Title: Identifying Epigenetic Drivers of Neuro-Immune Abnormalities Which Influence Hippocampal Ageing

PhD Supervisors: Dr Paul Lavender & Prof Albert Basson

Educational and Career Background: I completed my BSc in Physiology at The University of Edinburgh and my MSc in Dementia: Causes, Treatments, and Research (Neuroscience) at University College London.

Hanna Lemmik

PhD Project Title: Longitudinal neuroimaging and behavioural study of complement 3a receptor knockout mice to map pathogenetic anxiety and memory networks

PhD Supervisors: Prof Wuding Zhou & Dr Diana Cash

Educational and Career Background: Originally an Archaeologist, I completed my Master’s degree in Human Molecular Genetics at Imperial College London trying to understand the genetic basis of hematopoietic diseases. Before commencing my PhD, I worked in a neurobiology lab in UCL focusing on the development of the eye and forebrain. I am currently investigating the neuroimmunological aspects of anxiety and memory, and I hope to also be moving closer to answering Werner Herzog’s question: “Why is it that a sophisticated animal like the chimp does not straddle a goat and ride off into the sunset?”


Yuening Li

PhD Project Title: Bi-directional communication between neurons, immune and stromal cells in rheumatoid arthritis

PhD Supervisors: Prof Leonie Taams & Dr Franziska Denk

Educational and Career Background: I completed my BSc in Biological Sciences at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in China, before moving on to an MSc Neuroscience at University College London.


Rebecca Milton

PhD Project Title: Obesity and depression: an immunometabolism link?

PhD Supervisors: Dr Espe Perucha & Dr Valeria Mondelli

Educational and Career Background: I completed my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and industrial MBio at the University of Warwick. Following my studies, I worked as a research assistant at the Huntingdon's Disease Centre at UCL.


Tinne Amalie Damgaard Nissen

PhD Project Title: From Neurogenesis to Immune Response: How neural stem cells switch fate to communicate with immune cells

PhD Supervisors: Prof Linda Klavinskis & Dr Sandrine Thuret

Educational and Career Background: I completed my undergraduate degree at Aarhus University studying Molecular Medicine, and then graduated with my Master’s degree from the University of Copenhagen in Molecular Biomedicine.